COVID-19 Info
Our experienced and highly skilled clinicians are at the forefront of the ongoing and evolving COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Treating patients safely in the home is our area of expertise, and our commitment is to continue to provide safe, cost effective care in the home or home-like setting during this crisis.
Call us at (337) 269-9996 to find out how we can help you or your loved ones.

Nursing Specialties Protocols and Precautions for COVID-19 (Coronavirus):
As a valued partner of Nursing Specialties, we want to inform you of the specific measures we have in place to address COVID-19. We appreciate the trust you place in NSI as your hone health provider. Please know that we are closely monitoring events in our local and surrounding communities and updating our policies and protocols as a result of new information provided by CDC and LDH. Nursing Specialties has provided all staff with the appropriate training, education, and screening tools to protect both our staff and your patients.
Precautionary Measures
- Mandatory mask wearing for all office and field employees
- Daily screening of employees
- Screening patients the night before a visit
- Screening patients during a visit
- Practicing social distancing
- Frequent handwashing and sanitizing
- Practicing cough etiquette
- PPE provided to clinicians
We are confident in the practices in the practices we have in place to continue business as normal. As the CDC has recommended, the home environment is the safest place for those patients who are at high risk or currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. We are here to continue providing care to your patients during this time.
Feel free to contact us regarding any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support!